Excalibur Army

  • Defense Equipment, Textile, Food

Excalibur Army

Hall No 7

Booth No 7D-12c

+420 585 083 111


EXCALIBUR ARMY spol. s r.o. Tovární 1553 535 01 Přelouč Czech Republic

EXCALIBUR ARMY designs, develops and produces a wide range of military vehicles and equipment. We strive to offer only high quality products and provide a variety of services for our customers all around the world. Our production and repair facilities have decades long tradition that reaches back to 1950s. All these years we have never ceased to understand the importance of military industry for national and international security and we are still standing proud by the code of freedom in defence of which so many lives were lost.

Just as the soldiers of today, we would never wish for history to repeat. We admire their motivation, we are grateful for their determination and thankful for their service. Our first mission is to equip and protect those who have decided to protect you, your future, your world, your way of life and your peaceful traditions and values.