Hall No 4
Booth No 4G-18g
IdeaLab is an innovative R&D firm dedicated to making meaningful contributions in the field of environmentally responsible, sustainable energy production and propulsion systems. We specialize in design, prototyping, and testing of turbomachinery and turbine systems. Our offices, laboratories and production facilities are at a uniquely modern facility located in Teknopark Istanbul.
IdeaLab specializes in development of products based on new advanced in energy and propulsion science that can enable significant improvement in power generation system performance and cost. Such scientific developments typically result in formation new fundamental understanding of processes that can form the basis of industrial advancement, however require significant investment and multi-disciplinary understanding for industrial deployment. This period is known as ‘valley of death’ and many advancements are delayed or obscured before wide scale industrial deployment can happen.
IdeaLab has established a center of excellence that provides multi-disciplinary understanding of such break-through processes as well as industrial application requirements to mature scientific break-throughs into profitable industrial products. This expertise is specific of sustainable energy systems in the field of power production, storage, locomotion, and distribution.