MSM Group

  • Energetic Material and Ammunition Manufacturers

MSM Group

Hall No 7

Booth No 7D-12b

+421 42 2855 111

Štúrova 925/27 018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom Slovenská republika

We have united traditional companies with a long history in the defence industry, so that we have the entire supply and sales chain in our own hands. We can cover the complete life cycle of munitions, from development and production, through modernisation to disposal. In addition, we are dedicated to the development and production of defence equipment, which includes tank defence systems and special containers designed for the needs of the armed forces. In the civilian sector, we specialise in the manufacture of radar or mobile air traffic control towers.

We are part of the international holding CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP a.s. (CSG). CSG is an industrial-technological holding that follows the tradition of Czech, Slovak and foreign companies. It is dedicated to defence and civil industrial production and the commercial sector.